Sunday, February 5, 2012

3. Save Money Whenever Possible

College students are known to be poor, it's one of those facts of life.  First, you either don't have time to work or you aren't working full time.  Then, on top of that, you are paying a ridiculous amount of money for your education.

So, it is important that you save money whenever possible.

I'm sure there are countless ways to save money, and I'm sure I could never think of all of them.  However, here are a couple ideas:

  • Take blank paper from the library printers (credit to Renee Dudley) 
  • Take food from the servery for snacks (a yogurt, a banana, some cereal, etc.)*
  • Go to the events around campus with free food, especially on Saturdays when the serveries are closed
  • Instead of buying your own alcohol, drink the alcohol at another college's party then go hang out where you actually want to 
  • Don't buy pens, instead "borrow" them from various offices around campus (i.e. the Registrar, the CCD, the Cashier's office, etc.)
As I said, these are only a few ways to save a few bucks here and there.  If you happen to not be in a tight money situation...share the wealth with your friends.  

What ways have you figured out to save money?   

*side note: Don't take too much food at a time.  If you do, you will get caught and have to return all of the food, and the staff will be watching you more carefully from then on. Also, don't use Tupperware to transport the food, just use one of the disposable cups. 

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