Drinking and college seem to go hand-in-hand. For many students, this may be the first time that they are exposed to alcohol. If that is you, and you are interested in drinking and want to try getting #STUPiDFACEDD, follow the advice that a friend gave me: try drinking at least two times.*
Why? Because you don't know your limits.
It is likely that the first time you will drink too much and end up in your bed at 11:30 p.m. hugging a trashcan. This could turn you off of drinking ever again. However, if you do try a second time, you will know not to take that extra shot or that playing "chug til you gag" is probably a bad idea. You will better understand when to stop and be able to reach the level of a happy drunk instead of a sloppy drunk mess. The more times you drink, the more you will be aware of your tolerance level and the better you will be at recognizing the signs your body are giving you, learning how to drink safely and just have a good time.
Drinking is a huge part of the college social scene and has the potential to be really fun, so don't miss out just because your first time getting your drunk swagger on didn't go perfectly.
*Just sayin, consuming alcohol is illegal if you are under 21
i remember my first time drinking