Tuesday, February 21, 2012

7. Figure Out the "Easy" Classes

College is hard...

That's why every once in a while you need a class where you can get a high grade without trying too hard in order to boost your struggling GPA. To do this, you need to research which classes are easy.

Here are some things you can do to figure out which classes to take and which to avoid:
  1. Look at the course reviews on Esther.  Make sure to read the comments and not only look at the expected grades. 
  2. Ask other students.  In my opinion, this is better than course reviews because you can see who is giving you the advice and take into account their bias.  
  3. See if there are a lot of athletes in the class.  If there are, it's almost guaranteed that the class will have a minimal amount of work. 
If all else fails,  you can always just take 3 one credit student taught classes instead of 1 three credit class...

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